Smiling Scouts. The team of six shows their happy expression after finishing fourth at the Nebraska Christian contest in Central City, before returning home for the day.
Laylani Kasik proudly shows off her gold medal.
This is one of the gerbils in their new home. The other two are behind the logs taking a nap.
FCCLA advisor Tonya Zegers decorates cookies for the Spring 2022 cookie sales. Cookies for this year's fundraiser will be sold Jan. 30th-Feb. 3rd.
Bling! After a long day of competition, STAR participants Ava Neujahr, Jacob Lange, Kaydense Hansen, Ellie Bales, Abbie Lindsley, Reese Soukup, Autumn Lindsley, Valori Olson, Kaitlyn Palik, and Chloe Zegers show off their hard-earned medals. Districts took place in Humphrey, Nebraska this year on Jan. 25, 2023, and is the first step of the start to the STAR season. Many students worked hard during December and early January, but they feel that the results are worth it. Mrs. Zegers, STAR advisor, remarks: “Although the star season started great and finished with a trip to Dairy Queen, the experience of going to state and possibly nationals is coming up.”
District 5 FCCLA
Group photo of FCCLA
State Champions
Group photo of Platinum Dance Team
laptop, notebook, and backpack on a desk
speech students holding award for tournament win